At the August 1968 Molde Jazz Festival in Molde Kino, Molde, Norway Jon Hendricks and Phil Woods performed The Sweetest Sounds with Jon Hendricks - vocals; Larry Vuckovich - piano; Phil Woods - alto saxophone; Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen - bass; Al Heath - drums
This video clip from "Jazz on the Screen" by David Meeker with permission from The Library of Congress for educational and research purposes.
Jon Hendricks and Phil Woods: The Sweetest Sounds

Pianist Larry Vuckovich and trumpeter Tom Harrell perform at San Diego's KPBS-TV Club Date, that is now part of the Smithsonian Institute jazz collection.. Featured with them were percussionist Pete Escovedo, bassist Al Obidinski, and drummer Harold Mason. These performances were recorded at the TV studio in 1991 and shown on close to 200 PBS stations nationally. Club Date series were originated and produced by Paul Marshall, the Emmy Award winning producer.
These video clips provided with permission from the studio.